A General Perspective on the Lumbar Disk Hernia Treatment

In this series, we are going to explain the most curious matters about the lumbar disk hernia based on the information provided by Prof. Dr. Hayati Aygün, M.D., Specialist of Orthopedics and Traumatology during his appearance in the TV show called “Sağlıklı Günler” (Healthy Days).

We would like to begin the series by giving “a general perspective on the lumbar disk hernia treatment.”

What is Lumbar Disk Hernia?

Prof. Dr. Hayati Aygün, M.D., Specialist of Spinal Surgeries says that the lumbar disk hernia, particularly in this age, is among the top-five list of common musculoskeletal system diseases affecting connective and cartilage tissues. Prof. Dr. Hayati Aygün, M.D., states that this connective and cartilage tissue condition may emerge not only as lumbar disk hernia but also as cervical disk or back hernia. He also underlines that the second-most common condition of hernia is observed around the neck area However, we will exclusively focus on the lumbar disk hernia treatment in this series. Prof. Dr. Hayati Aygün M.D., Specialist of Orthopedics and Traumatology defines the low-back hernia as follows: “The low-back spine consists of various bones, joints and cartilage tissues. The lumbar disk hernia is a type of disease that emerges due to the pressure caused by the nerves passing through the area, as well as the spinal cord, resulting from the damage suffered by the cartilage tissues within this complex structure.”

Lumbar Disk Hernia Treatment

In addition to stating that the lumbar disk hernia treatment is a subject that has been the focus of discussions for a long time, and that, in the recent years, several treatment patterns have emerged in the fields of spinal surgery and musculoskeletal system, which are his areas of expertise, concerning this matter, Prof. Dr. Aygün, M.D. emphasizes that the subject is still in discussion.

Prof. Dr. Aygün, M.D., also underlines that the essential treatment changes depending on the phase and the symptoms causing the disease, and that the treatment is predicate on medication. Prof. Dr. Hayati Aygün, M.D., Specialist of Spinal Surgeries continues his statement on the lumbar disk hernia as follows: “On the other hand, if a patient does not responds to the medication treatment, then, in that case physiotherapy may be considered as an option. Also, it is possible to follow a treatment path that combines physiotherapy with certain measures, such as modifying the patient’s vital functions (i.e. reviewing their occupation) and limiting their daily activities. If all these treatment methods are unable to provide positive results, the surgical intervention will be discussed as an option. Nevertheless, the surgical treatment is a viable option only in the emergency cases, such as partial paralysis caused by the lumbar disk hernia. To summarize, for the lumbar disk hernia treatment the first option is medication; if medication fails to deliver results, the second option is physiotherapy combined with modification of the patient’s daily life; if that fails too, then, the third option is surgical intervention.”

NOTE: The contents of this page are exclusively provided for informative purposes. For diagnosis and treatment please visit your physician. Consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
